Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Religion/Spirituality Explained

I want to talk to you a little bit about religion and spirituality. I would like to point out that those are two completely different things. I am one of the most spiritual people there are, but I am not the least bit religious. How does that work? Very simply in my mind but I know most people don't think the way I do.
Religion was created by man. Although many claim that these "men" who spoke to God told us what God said it was still recorded by man. There are only claims of people who talked to God and nothing in religion can really be proven but I am not going to go in that direction. The point is religion was created by man and not a higher being. If you study history you can see how far back our major religions of today go back and you can see how corrupted our religions really were. Religion was set in place to govern people. That is the most basic way I can explain it. The people were not smart enough to govern themselves and needed intense metaphors to teach them values and what is right or wrong. Religion has been corrupted so many times over by evil kings who used the power of religion to scare and control people. The original 10 Commandments were really over 200 pages long but some king decided that it would be too hard for the people to learn that many commandments so he narrowed them down to ten so they would be easily remembered.
Do you see just one out of millions of examples where religion has been toyed with over thousands of years. It is like one huge game of telephone and has been corrupted many times over. So religion is all screwed up now what? We should all just turn atheist and believe in nothing right? WRONG! This is where most people screw up. They see all these problems with religion and notice the holes and corruption and they think they should believe in nothing. The fact is that there is a Non-Physical being which is you and there is a Universal Power which is far beyond your physical body.
I know that is a lot to take in all at once but bare with me. Religion is not all bad, there are many messages in it which tell us how to think and act and shows us vaguely what God is.
I truly believe that most people have a huge misconception of what God, Heaven, and hell is/are. God is the Universal Power, The Higher Being, whatever you want to call it. God is not some mythological character thousands of miles into the sky calling of the shots of what goes down on earth. Many are lured into believing this false image of God. To help you better understand think of it like there is not "A" God there is God. God is not separate from you God is within you and within everyone. Heaven was never meant to be a place of the afterlife it was meant to be a place on earth. The same thing applies to Hell it is just a metaphor for a place on earth. Think about it...don’t you know people who are basically living in Heaven and also people who are living in hell? When you are in pure positive alignment with the Universe,aka God, aka Source Energy whatever you want to call it you are essentially in Heaven. The same goes for when you're in pure negativity and are feeling pure negative emotion you are essentially in Hell. Now the word "pure" has a very powerful meaning and means there are no contradictory thoughts whatsoever to what you are thinking. So you see heaven and hell really aren’t as serious and many think. They are just guidelines to show us how to live and how to think. Your thoughts are very important and your emotions let you know what you have been thinking.

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